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February Newsletter

1_February Featured

I hope you have recovered from the big storm! In all my years I have never seen so many trees down and I know we are all looking at trees differently now. The Arborists are very busy, but I would encourage you to add it to your to-do list to have someone out to look at any big trees you might have on your property. Hopefully, we will not see another storm like this come through again in my lifetime, but it is best to be prudent.

Of course, February always reminds me that love is indeed in the air! For starters, I am reminded how much I love everything about my dream job as a Realtor popping in and out of your lives over the years and getting an opportunity to share your joys and dreams, solve problems (hopefully not too many), provide resources, and sometimes mourn losses. Thank you for trusting me with your family, friends, and important assets. It is truly a privilege and pleasure to help you and those you refer my way.

And this year we are extra mindful of amour as our youngest son and his girlfriend became officially engaged – we are so happy for them and to share in the love they have developed for each other. No dates yet but love is definitely in the air at the Heinrichs household!


You Asked-We Answer

Answers to Your Important Real Estate Questions


Property Disclosures is a set of questions the Seller answers to tell the potential Buyer about their home. These will be sent to the buyer for review at or within a few days of the Mutual Agreement. The Buyer will have 5 business days from the receipt of these disclosures to review them. This timeline provides a contingency to the agreement under which the buyer can terminate an agreement if you have concerns about what the Seller has disclosed by way of the Property Disclosures.

As a seller, it is important that you answer all the questions to the best of your knowledge and provide the buyer as much information as possible. If the roof leaked 10 years ago and you solved the leak by patching or installing a new roof, tell the buyer about this. When the buyer is asked to sign as having received the Seller Disclosures they are not agreeing to what is in the Disclosures but rather acknowledging that they have received Disclosures.


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